Monthly Archives: November 2012

Comparing MarketPress and WooCommerce for WordPress

I spoke at the Singapore WordPress User Group’s meeting in the National Library tonight on a comparison between MarketPress and WooCommerce, two WordPress e-commerce plug-ins.

The idea was to show the pro’s and con’s of the two plug-ins when trying to create a simple online store with WordPress, without doing any programming in PHP or altering the free themes or CSS.

I used MarketPress for the Skinglow website that sells Metrin skin care products I mentioned in a previous post. For Laydu Baby Clothes and Products I used WooCommerce to try something different.

Both plug-ins are quite ok for simple web stores, but I felt that WooCommerce is the better of the two.

You can see the presentation slides I used to get more information and if you have any questions please feel free to drop a comment below.